Thursday, September 1, 2011

CVM Golf Scramble

CVM Golf Scramble
Friday and Saturday, Sept 23-24
MSU Golf Course
8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start

Cost per Person:    $55.00 Tournament Fee   
Includes: Meal & Beverage (Friday evening) for each player and 1 guest
Golf cart, green fees, practice balls, sack lunch and prizes for Saturday’s Scramble (Shotgun start 8:00 am). 
Payable Friday evening at Dinner and Team Postings – 6:00 PM – Little Dooey Restaurant.

Sign up sheet will be placed at the Operators' Desk.  Players wishing to play will have until Tuesday Sept 20th at 5:00 pm to sign up.

Note the change in location for the dinner Friday night. We will have the private patio at The Little Dooey. Food and iced tea will be provided by Little Dooey. Cash Bar available. Please, no outside food or beverages.

Contact: Diana L. Eubanks