Verleen Gray helps keep the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine running smoothly while encouraging clients, students and staff.
As a communications operator, Verleen answers the phone and directs
calls to small animal admissions and the clinic. She also handles work
orders for items that break and operates the gate to let clients into
and out of the hospital. Logging visitors’ names, times and destinations
helps keep CVM secure.
“We also have two new classrooms, so I’ve been giving directions to students coming here from the main campus,” she added.
Before coming to CVM, Verleen worked in a variety of customer service
jobs. On campus, she worked at the bookstore and then as a dispatcher
for the MSU Police Department.
“I’ve always been a big customer service person, I like helping other
people,” Verleen said. “I feel like you have to be a very compassionate
person to work any customer service job. What might not be a big deal to
someone else is a serious issue to the person on the other end of the
phone. Here at CVM, I try to comfort clients and assure them everything
is going to be okay with regard to their pets.”