Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prepare to respond if dogs encounter snakes

By Karen Templeton
MSU Ag Communications
MISSISSIPPI STATE – Many pet dogs encounter venomous snakes during the hot summer months, but tragic consequences can be avoided when owners know what to do when their dogs get bitten.
“More dogs and snakes are out in warmer summer months, creating a situation where they will encounter each other,” said Dr. Kari Lunsford, assistant professor with Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. “Dogs, curious by nature, agitate snakes and can end up getting bitten.”
Lunsford said pet owners need to take these situations seriously.
“Any snake bite needs to be treated as a life-threatening emergency,” she said. “Puncture wounds may be hard to find, but swelling is obvious and should be treated as a possible snake bite.”  Read More...